Customer area

Acoustic Assessment

housing quality

Concerning Environment Noise, it is possible to analyze permanent, temporary (works) sources of noise, equipment and infrastructures that produce noxious or bothering noise for those who inhabit or remain in places where its effect is felt.


Why choose our team?

  • We have competitive prices
  • We are fast in the execution of the whole process
  • We are a company accredited by IPAC


How does it work?

  • Request a budget by phone, form or e-mail. (By phone the answer is immediate)
  • Schedule of the technical visit to the property
  • Technical visit to the property
  • Reception of the certificate via CTT (Post Mail), or otherwise, to be arranged


Conditions for the visit

  • The place must present the final conditions of use, namely proper sealing of doors and windows, application of final coatings, etc.
  • In the case of a semi-detached house or townhouse, commerce and/or services building, access to adjacent or overlapping space must also be guaranteed, being the customer’s responsibility to obtain access permission.