Latest modification: 28 November, 2017

Terms of

We appreciate your preference for our products and services.

By using our services, you are accepting these terms of use. Read them carefully.

Directive 95/46 / EC of 24 October, transposed by Law 67/98 of 16 October, provides that the collection and subsequent processing of data may only be carried out for legitimate specific and defined purposes, with data rigor and only allowing the holder to be identified at defined times. The law also enshrines the principle of prior authorization, so that data processing can only be done with the consent of the holder, except in cases of performance of a contract, compliance with a tax obligation or in the protection of vital interests of the holder, the latter being unable to give his consent.

The privacy policy covers personal data of the users of, collected on a voluntary basis when completing the registration form, as well as all data collected by the system regarding the navigation and interaction carried out by its users in order to:

  • customize content and advertising;
  • allow access to certain contents of the site and to the sites of its partners;
  • obtain data for statistical treatment and thus be able to respond to user requests and interests;
  • promote information activities, marketing, registration at own or partner events, among others.

Forma Z assures the users of the site total transparency and control on the collection and use of their personal data, adopting the legally requires levels of security and protection of data.
The information to be collected by Forma Z complies with all applicable ethical and legal standards.
Users assure that the personal data provided through the site are true and will communicate any changes to them.

Users are recognized, under the terms of current legislation, the right to consult and update, through the Internet, their personal data, and may correct and add them at any time.

The entity responsible for processing the database is Form Z, headquartered at “Rua 4 de Julho, nº 3, 1º Andar, Pedrulha”, in Coimbra, corporate entity number 509 180 507, being the sole owner of the information collected on the website, and will not sell, assign or share this information with third parties, except in the situations indicated below.

Users expressly consent and authorize Forma Z to:

  1. include in the personal data file, of which Forma Z is the owner and responsible, the personal data obtained during the registration on the site, as well as any other data that in the future may be collected, for treatment whether or not automated, with the purpose of using them for any activity arising directly or indirectly from the relationship established between the user and Forma Z, namely to maintain the relationship defined in the “Terms of Use” for the management, administration , provision, extension and improvement of the various services and contents available or that may be made available within the site, for the adaptation of the contents to the preferences and tastes of the users, for the design of new services related to the contents and to send updates;
  2. assign or communicate the data referred to above to third parties with whom Forma Z has entered into or will conclude partnership agreements, which shall be properly disclosed on the website
    Users are also informed that their data will be treated in a confidential manner and always in accordance with the legislation on data protection in force at any time.

The personal data stored in our computer systems comply with all the norms and legislation in force in Portugal.

Forma Z may use cookies when the user has access to the pages of the site The cookies are data information, sent from the Web server to the navigation program, stored in the user’s computer, their use being necessary to provide personalization services. Cookies do not provide references that allow us to deduce the user’s first and last name, but they make it possible to draw usage patterns so that we can better respond to the users’ interests.

Forma Z reserves the right to modify this policy so as to adapt it to the legislation in force at any time.